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Simple Elderberry Syrup Recipe for Strong Immune Health

Elderberry syrup is one of the best natural remedies to boost your family’s immune health and ward off illnesses, like colds and flu during cooler months. But buying it online or from the store is quite expensive. So, why not make your own?

Making your elderberry syrup not only saves you money, but it's also an easy way to get all the concentrated immune-boosting benefits from elderberries! Plus, you can customize it according to your needs and flavor preferences.

You don't need to look further for a simple elderberry syrup recipe. Let me share with you mine that I've been using for years. Let's go!

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Making your elderberry syrup takes only four (4) steps. Here you go!


● 5 cups of quality water

● 2 cups organic dried elderberries (or fresh if you have them)

● 2 tablespoons of organic whole cloves

● 2 organic Ceylon cinnamon sticks

● 5 tablespoons fresh organic ginger or dried if you don't have fresh ones

● 1 cup of organic raw honey (Local if you can find it - Manuka honey works too)

Looking for any of these organic, high-quality ingredients? Email or comment below for recommendations!


  1. Add the elderberries, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and water into a pot. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for about 40 minutes to an hour with the lid OFF.

  2. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool a bit.

  3. Strain with cheesecloth and squeeze out all the juice. A French press also works well to strain through!

  4. Pour into a glass container (I like to use a mason jar) and stir in your honey. Make sure to store it in the fridge with a tight-fitted lid.

Ta-da! You now have your homemade elderberry syrup. Take four (4) tablespoons throughout the day and use it within three (3) weeks.

You can also freeze it into ice cubes because it helps last longer. You can also use it in different ways, like putting the syrup on waffles, pancakes, and ice cream.

A Bit of Fun History

Did you know that elderberries have been used medicinally for hundreds if not thousands of years and in so many different cultures?

Elderberry is an antioxidant-rich fruit from the Sambucus tree commonly grown throughout Europe and North America. According to European folklore, it is believed to be magical and can ward off evil spirits.

Beyond its mystical properties, many healers and scholars discovered its medicinal properties, too, and used it to treat different ailments. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine," even called it his 'medicine chest'.

Ancient Egyptians used elderberry to heal burns and scars and improve skin complexion. Native Americans also have a tradition of using elderberry to treat fever and rheumatism.

Elderberry is also a staple of folk medicine and has been used to ease dental pain, soothe nerve pain, and relieve headaches. Modern medicine uses elderberry to help prevent and alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

So, using elderberry for treating different illnesses isn't something new, but has been around for centuries.

Elderberry Syrup Benefits

My family and I have been taking elderberry syrup to boost our immunity and support our overall health for years. But, is there science behind the known benefits of elderberry? There is! Here are its science-backed benefits:

Fight off and improve colds and flu symptoms

Elderberry can fight off colds because it has an antiviral effect against the flu virus. This antiviral effect stops the early stages of the infection. And if you catch a cold, it helps you get over your symptoms faster and lessen its effects based on some studies.

Boost the immune health

With powerful antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and flavonoids, elderberry can strengthen your and your family's immune system.

Reduce risks of chronic diseases

Antioxidants from elderberries, particularly anthocyanins, can also fight harmful free radicals and inflammation. This helps lower the risk of chronic diseases, like cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Promotes mental health

There's also some evidence that elderberry may be great for our mental health as it can improve our mood and relieve anxiety. Although studies are still limited, there's no denying that its amazing benefits and lovely taste can put you in the mood!

Relieve pain

Another age-old use of elderberry is to ease pain and discomfort. It has been used for headaches, dental pain, nerve pain, and sinus pain.


You probably have tons of questions about how to use it, whether it's safe to take every day, and more. So, let's answer all of that.

How much elderberry syrup should I take?

As I said, you can take four (4) tablespoons of elderberry syrup throughout the day. Elderberry syrup is also generally safe to take every day and multiple times a day, especially during the sniffle season.

Is elderberry syrup safe for babies and children?

Kids can safely take elderberry syrup, too. They may take ½ to 1 tablespoon of this syrup every day. But I don't recommend giving it to children under a year old because it contains raw honey that may cause infant botulism.

Does elderberry have side effects?

First, and this is super important: never take elderberry raw or uncooked because it's toxic to our body. Cooked elderberries are generally safe, but the raw fruit can cause an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Tips for Making Elderberry Syrup

To make the most out of your elderberry syrup, here are some pro tips for you:

Where to get the elderberries?

If you can find elderberries from a local store, that'll be great! If there's none nearby, you can order from an online store. As I mentioned, you can use either dried or fresh fruits. Dried elderberries are easier to find and store year-round.

What kind of honey to use?

Using raw honey is best when making your elderberry syrup, especially if it's local to your region. That's because local raw honey has never undergone heat, so it retains all of its natural nutrients and antioxidants.

You can also use Manuka honey. It contains high antibacterial and therapeutic properties even though it's pasteurized and filtered. That makes it another excellent option for you!

Can I add other herbs to my elderberry syrup?

Of course! You don’t have to be rigid in making your elderberry syrup. You can add as much or as little flavor as you’d like.

This is what I love about making my own elderberry syrup: I can be creative and adjust the flavor accordingly. And you can do the same! You can add vanilla, citrus fruits, and cardamom would also be nice, so just add that extra goodness!

Final Thoughts

By now, what’s left for you to do is to grab all the ingredients and things you need and try this recipe out! Making it is super easy and really worth the effort for the money saved and all the benefits.

With the colder months, coughs and sneezes will soon be out of hand. So, you can help keep your family strong and healthy during the flu-filled season with elderberry syrup. Besides fighting off colds and flu, it can also boost your mood and reduce the risks of serious illnesses.

I'm so excited for you to try this recipe. Make sure to come back and tell me how it was. Enjoy!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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